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Providing Non-Medical Personal Assistance Services in Texas

Accommodating Healthcare Services provides compassionate home care in Texas. Our team of healthcare professionals is dedicated to addressing the various needs of all our clients. The health, safety, and happiness of our clients is our top priority. We offer all-inclusive homecare services that support self-reliance and enrich quality of life through personal care, accompaniment services, and domestic management. Our care providers offer reassurance to families while creating a cozy yet stimulating environment for clients to age gracefully with dignity and respect.

Caretaker with senior man enjoying coffee break

Customized Care Plans to Meet Your Needs

We design personalized care plans that cater to each client’s specific needs. Our caregivers assist with health-related activities like bathing, dressing, grooming, and managing medication. We provide support with everyday tasks like preparing meals, feeding, and light housekeeping to ensure a secure and sanitary environment. Our dedicated team works with clients and their families to evaluate their needs and develop a custom care plan addressing their physical, emotional, and social well-being. By encouraging open communication and cooperation, we ensure our clients receive unparalleled care and support.

What Is Homecare

Homecare refers to a range of supportive services provided to individuals who need assistance with daily activities but prefer to remain in the comfort of their own homes. It involves personalized care and support delivered by trained caregivers, allowing individuals to maintain their independence while receiving assistance with everyday tasks. Homecare provides a safe and familiar environment while promoting overall well-being and quality of life. Our home care services include:

Personal Care

We assist with bathing, grooming, dressing, and toileting to ensure personal hygiene and well-being.

Medication Management

Our providers help with medication reminders and administration, ensuring that individuals take their prescribed medications correctly and on time.

Meal Preparation

We help with meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking nutritious meals that meet the individual’s dietary needs and preferences.

Mobility Assistance

For individuals with limited mobility, we can provide support with walking, transferring from one place to another, and using mobility aids like wheelchairs or walkers.

Companion Care

Our caregivers engage in conversations and social activities and provide emotional comfort to prevent feelings of loneliness or isolation.

Light Housekeeping

Assistance with light housekeeping tasks like tidying up, laundry, changing bed linens, and maintaining a clean living environment is often included in-home care services.


Our care providers can offer transportation services for medical appointments, grocery shopping, social outings, or other necessary errands.

Healthcare Monitoring

We keep track of vital signs, observe changes in health conditions, and report concerns to healthcare professionals, ensuring the individual’s well-being.

Respite Care

Family caregivers may also benefit from respite care, where temporary relief is provided by professional caregivers, allowing them to rest and recharge.

When to Consider Homecare

Patients or loved ones should consider home care when the individual needs assistance with daily activities like bathing, dressing, and meal preparation. Our providers offer support, ongoing care, and supervision for patients who need to monitor their health regularly. We also provide respite for family caregivers to avoid burnout. Having a professional caregiver in the home can help prevent accidents and ensure a secure environment while allowing individuals to maintain independence in the comfort of their own homes. Homecare is an excellent option for a number of situations, including:


Elderly individuals who require assistance with daily activities due to age-related limitations or health conditions.

People With Disabilities

Individuals with physical or cognitive disabilities need support to maintain independence and carry out daily tasks.

Individuals Recovering From Illness or Surgery

Those recuperating from an illness, surgery, or medical procedure need assistance with recovery, medication management, and rehabilitation exercises.

Patients With Chronic Conditions

Individuals with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, or respiratory disorders who require ongoing monitoring, medication administration, and support to manage their condition at home.

Family Caregivers

Homecare services can also benefit family caregivers who may need respite care or assistance providing care for their loved ones.

Supporting Happiness, Health, and Independence

Our team of accomplished professionals is unwavering in their commitment to serving those needing physical healthcare and promoting their overall wellness. We provide tailored assistance with physical health-related activities. Our services include assistance with personal hygiene tasks such as bathing, dressing, grooming, routine hair and skin care, meal preparation, feeding, mobility support, medication management, and more. We fully recognize the value of personal hygiene and independence, and our empathetic team is ready to help.

Call Today to Learn More About How We Can Help